last updated 3/11/2022
Hi Everybody!
Welcome to my humble little website! I go by the online name, SunnyDay. I’m 41 and I’m privileged to be married to the most wonderful man on the planet! We’ve been married 18 years and we’re privileged, honored and grateful to be the parents of three very precious children. They truly are a blessing. We’re very happy!
OK, so why does the world need yet another personal website? I created this site solely for the purpose of sharing with others the joys I’ve experienced with nude recreation and living. I had my first nude beach experience when I was seventeen and I haven’t been quite the same since. I’ve written a lot about that and many other experiences since then in the stories that are available via the links below. My hope is that in them you’ll find insights into what nude recreation and living is all about – maybe even some inspiration and encouragement.
So what’s new with this update?
A new story! AND an old story. I guess it’s really a finally finished story. It’s “Out of the Mouths of Babes”. I know, I know, there’s no excuse for how long this took me to complete it. But it’s finally out there on the My Stories page. Please check it out. Thank you!
Thanks so much for visiting. Hey, how about signing the guest book if you haven’t already? I’d love to know you were here. And check out the message board, too, and see what everyone’s talking about. Come back soon!
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